Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso
Tony Robbins says, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
“GSDF: Get Stuff Done Fast.” James Malinchak
“What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” – John Ruskin
It's 3am in the morning and I couldn't sleep, so instead of getting frustrated I decided to get up and DO something, yep take ACTION. My antidote to insomnia was to throw out the rule of when I am meant to sleep and take action when I am awake, so I am writing without interruptions. And when I crash and burn at 11am today, I will have guilt free sleep and be ready to be my best self for the rest of my day. Win-Win if you ask me.
Which actually makes sense for someone with my MO, Mode of Operation, Conatively speaking of course.
No doubt you have read books, articles and listened to podcasts on why taking action creates success. Instead of repeating the same message that has been around for years, or creating a new spin on this topic, as an initiating Quick Start 8, I would be completely energised if I did, I want to actually give you value in exchange for your time. I want to share with you about HOW you take ACTION and why that is the key that has been missing from all the self help, productivity and time management education you have received.
“Knowledge is power: You hear it all the time but knowledge is not power. It's only potential power. It only becomes power when we apply it and use it. Somebody who reads a book and doesn't apply it, they're at no advantage over someone who's illiterate...." Jim Kwik
......None of it works unless YOU work. We have to do our part. If knowing is half the battle, action is the second half of the battle.”
Knowing how you take action is crucial. Knowing how to know how you take action is through understanding of Conation and the Three Parts of the Mind.
In short: In the 4th century, it was determined that there were three parts that made up the mind; Cognitive - thinking, Affective - personality and Conative - doing. Fast forward to present time. In 1987, Kathy Kolbe created the first Conative assessment, called The Kolbe A Index. Read full article on The Three Parts of the Mind.
The Kolbe A Index measures your instinctive way of doing things and is the only validated assessment that measures a person's conative strengths.
By taking the Kolbe A Index, you will gain greater understanding of your own secret ingredients to the way you contribute to any situation and begin the process of maximising your potential. 'Secret' was used intentionally, this way of doing things is powered by your subsconscious. Although, highly successful people seem to tap into this innate force naturally, it's wonderful that us normal folk now have a tool that can give us the same access to information that accelerates success.
The easiest way to communicate this is by asking you to write your name. So take action, grab a pen and paper and please write your name. In a moment we will take the next action, but first.....
Let's quickly take about the effects of stress. When a person is stressed conatively, they are not able to be their best self and it will affect your organisation, school and family.
The University of Cambridge has a dedicated policy and procedures manual on the effects of stress in the workplace, as do many in response to the modern day epidemic.
Directly from their website:
"Where stress is not controlled and the individual and organisation suffers, the following may be observed:
Effects on people may include:
Physical; Sleep disturbances, Headaches, Raised blood pressure/cardiovascular disease
Emotional; Anxiety and irritability, Depression, Labile emotions
Intellectual; Loss of concentration, Lack of motivation, Difficulty with thought process, Loss
of memory, Poor decision-making
Behavioural; Substance (incl. alcohol) misuse, Decreased libido, Isolation, Inappropriate
behaviour, Unpunctuality
Effects on the organisation may include:
High absenteeism
High labour turnover
Poor time keeping
Poor performance and productivity
Low morale
Poor motivation
Increased employee complaints
Increased ill-health, accidents and incidents reports"
Back to your piece of paper...
Which hand did you write your name with? No doubt it was with your dominate hand. How did it feel to write your name?
Now switch hands, using your non dominate hand, please write your name again.
Most people report that they had difficulty even holding the pen, let alone writing their name with it. They also comment that it took much longer, they had to really concentrate and they were unhappy with the results.
This exercise is an illustration of how much it matters HOW you take action. It is the quickest and easiest way I can communicate how stressed you are when taking action against your innate, unchangeable way of doing, against your conative strengths. Imagine having to write all day, everyday with your non dominate hand.
Now imagine having the ability to take action your way? knowing that you will get your best results.
It would be great if all organisations, school and families had access to this knowledge.... which is my mission btw..... What does matter is that now you know. So take action, begin the journey to maximising your potential, learn how you instinctively take action by getting your Kolbe A Index results. Who knew, success and happiness!